Notes of chemical reaction and equation | Class x [ ii ]

6. Balancing a chemical equation:-

Step 1. Balance the polyvalent ions, if any present of the both side i.e. reactant and product.
Step 2. Balance metals.

Step 3. Balance non-metals.

Step 4. Remove fractions, if any.

7. Types of Chemicalemical Reaction:-

Chemical reactions can be classified in following types:
• Combination Reactions.
• Decomposition Reactions.
• Displacement Reactions.
• Double Displacement Reactions.
• Oxidation and Reduction Reactions.

a) Combination Reactions.

Reaction in which two or more reactants combine  to form one product.

Represented as:    A +  B -> AB

Ex)      C            +     O2           ->       CO2

        Carbon            Oxygen                Carbon
        CaO         +       H2O          ->      Ca(OH)2
Calcium                  Water                Calcium
 Oxide                                                Hydroxide

b) Decomposition Reactions.

Reactions in which one compound decomposes in two or more compounds or element.

Represented as:             AB    ->    A + B

Ex).         CaCO3       ->     CaO      +    CO2

             Calcium             Calcium         Carbon
             Carbonate         Oxide             dioxide
 Pb(NO3)2      ->  PbO   +       NO2      +         O2

Lead Nitrate        Lead          Nitrogen        Oxygen
                              Oxide        dioxide
Reaction in which compound is decomposed because of heating is called as Thermal  Decomposition Reaction.

H2O                   ->            H2         +              O2

Water                             Hydrogen             Oxygen

Reactions in which compounds decompose into simpler compounds because of passing of electricity is called as Electrolytic Decomposition.

        AgCl              ->                Ag        +       Cl2  

        Silver                           Silver             Chlorine

Reactions in which a compound Decomposes because of sunlight is called as Photolysis or Photo  Decomposition Reaction.

c) Displacement Reaction.

Reactions in which atoms or ions move from one compound to other compound.
It is also known as Substitute Reaction or Single displacement / Replacement Reaction.

Represented as:.      A + BC   ->    AC +  B

Displacement reaction takes place only when 'A'  is more reactive than B.

Ex)   Zn    +   HCl           ->      ZnCl2  +  H2
        Zinc        Hydrochloric    Zinc        Hydrogen
                        Acid                Chloride

    Zn       +     CuSO4      ->      ZnSO4    +        Cu

   Zinc          Copper               Zinc                 Copper   
                 Sulphate            sulphate
d).   Double Displacement Reaction.
Reactions in which ions are exchanged between two reactants.

Represented as:   AB  +    CD   ->   AD  +   CB

Ex)   BaCl2     +    Na2SO4     ->   BaSO4    + NaCl

         Barium       Sodium           Barium       Sodium
         Chloride    Sulphate       Sulphate   Chloride

Double Displacement reaction, in which precipitate is formed, is known as precipitation reaction.
Neutralisation reaction are also examples of double Displacement reaction.

Exothermic and Endothermic Reaction:-
Reaction in which energy is released is called exothermic reaction.

Reaction in which energy is absorbed is called endothermic reaction.

Most of the combination reactions are endothermic.

Most of the decomposition reaction are exothermic.

Respiration is a decomposition reaction in which energy is released.

When quick lime ( calcium carbonate) is added to water, it Decomposes and released energy.
Cooking involves chemical reactions which are endothermic as cooking is possible because of heating.

e).  Oxidation and Reduction Reaction.


 Addition of oxygen (Or) Removal Hydrogen.

The compound or element which undergoes oxidation is called
